πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆβœ¨ QCrew! Your Weekly Queer News Update: Republican extremists fail in Kentucky, Candace Parker retires from the WNBA and Curve dropped it’s 2024 lesbian power list

Hey Reader,

Watch Your Exclusive unedited Video Update from Anna

Anna talks about spending a few days in Charlottesville, VA to speak at the University of Virginia about her podcasting work. Anna also gives a rundown of the top queer news stories.



Listen to this week's episode


2:46 - Republican extremists in Kentucky fail

5:30 - Kansas governor stands with trans kids

7:28 - A school board in Pennsylvania tried it but the community fought back to bring in Maulik Pancholy to speak

10:48 - Listen & follow the Second Sunday podcast, https://secondsundaypod.com​

12:38 - Sophia Bush comes out

14:01 - Curve dropped its 2024 lesbian power list

15:42 - Candace Parker made a big announcement

18:01 - My number one lesbian visibility moment of the week is coming out of South Carolina and it features MiLaysia Fulwiley and Jameesia Ford

23:05 - Anna’s Got a Word

April Feed Swap Friday - I'm Feeling Queer Today

This month we are featuring the "I'm Feeling Queer Today" podcast. In this episode, Alex and Lily unpack the roles that labels play within queer identities and how they serve (or don’t serve) queer young people as they explore who they are, who they love, and who they hope to become.

Queer News Tip Line

QCrew April Interview

Join Anna DeShawn as she sits down with award-winning filmmaker and professor Dr. Yvonne Welbon to discuss the grand opening of the Sisters in Cinema Media Arts Center in Chicago. Learn about Dr. Welbon's inspiring journey from Taiwan to Chicago, her groundbreaking work in Black women's filmmaking, and the vision behind this transformative space for Black women and gender nonconforming media makers.

Donate to Siters in Cinema https://sistersincinema.com/donate/donations

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New Show! E3 Radio's Queer Open Mic

E3 Radio is proud to present Queer Open Mic, a monthly celebration of Queer talent. Our latest show featured The Brat Dondada, a multi-talented artist. We had the opportunity to interview them, and you can listen to the entire chat before enjoying their performance. Be sure to follow The Brat Dondada and tune in next month for another showcase of incredible Queer talent!

Follow The Brat Dondada!

IG-https://www.instagram.com/the.brat.dondada/ https://linktr.ee/thebratdondada

Queer News with Anna DeShawn

πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ Host of the Ambie award winning Queer News Podcast 🎀| 🎧 wherever * Founder of @e3radio πŸ“» Co-Founder of @thequbeapp

Read more from Queer News with Anna DeShawn

Hey Reader, Watch Your Exclusive unedited Video Update from Anna It's been a wild 24 hours huh. I want to know what you think. Will you vote for Kamala? I talk about this and more during my weekly video this week. Will you vote for Kamala? Yes No Still Not Sure Click Here to Watch Binge Past Weekly Updates Listen to this week's episode Listen Here This week on the Queer News podcast Anna DeShawn reports on President Biden withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing VP Kamala Harris....

Hey Reader, Watch Your Exclusive unedited Video Update from Anna This is a rough week for queer news. So much going on in the world. Leave a comment on the video and tell me what you think about it all. Click Here to Watch Binge Past Weekly Updates Listen to this week's episode Listen Here This week on the Queer News podcast Anna DeShawn gives an update on Taylor Casey who went missing in the Bahamas nearly three weeks ago. In politics, Thomas Crooks a 20 year old registered Republican,...

Hey Reader, Watch Your Exclusive unedited Video Update from Anna Anna talks about her experience producing the first podcast stage at Chicago's Pride South Side this past weekend. The mayor of Chicago again and the Lt. Governor of Illinois came by and did interviews too! Hear Anna share her experience while she also gives you a rundown of the top Queer News stories from the week too. Enjoy! Click Here to Watch Binge Past Weekly Updates Listen to this week's episode Listen Here This week on...